There is a hungry stirring in the hearts of people all across the world to know, feel, and experience the presence of God. They are not looking for the next catchy church program or religious trapping, but rather a quest for authenticity. It drives them. Worship ushers in the atmosphere they crave.
We are called to carry, embody, and release worship everywhere we go. As the breathing, living, mobile New Testament tabernacle of David, we are the resting place of His presence.
Not only are we seeing a worldwide restoration of the tabernacle of David and a wildfire of 24-7 worship and prayer across virtually every nation on earth, but also God is awakening the heart of David in His people. This is not a lust for the limelight or the drive to be up on a platform, but rather the call of a simple shepherd boy who developed a deep, personal heart for worship while he was tending his father’s sheep. It was from his deep reservoir of intimacy with God that he penned these words that are now an anthem to a generation of worshipers:
One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)
By cultivating intimacy with God, David got prepared for the giants, battles, betrayals, and victories to come. In the same way, the depth of the intimacy of any generation of people will determine the scope of their authority on the earth. I believe God is calling forth a true apostolic worship movement that will flood the earth, fill the nations with His presence, and establish the dominion of Jesus to invade a broken humanity. This must be birthed in the secret place, and there are no shortcuts. The reviving of the secret places will lead to the reviving of the public places.
What was David’s goal in establishing the first tabernacle that was meant purely for worship (and did not require blood sacrifices)? It was not to fulfill some religious obligation regarding 24-7-365 worship. The goal was communion with the Father, intimacy with God. The perpetual 24-7-365 worship happened simply as an outward manifestation of an inward reality. It’s still true today: 24-7 worship will always be preceded by David’s heartfelt prayer in Psalm 27:4. This “One Thing” intimacy is the ignition point for the explosion of the worldwide worship movement.
(by Sean Feucht)