Burn Basics

The heart of the Burn 24-7 is first and foremost, the passionate pursuit for the presence of God. We gather, regardless of denominational affiliation, to cry out to God night and day for an awakening in the church, an unprecedented global harvest of souls and the transformation of entire cities. We believe the Burn 24-7 is an expression and fulfillment of the restoration of David’s Tabernacle (Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16).
First Commandment Movement: The central focus of the Burn 24-7 is to call the church back to the purity of the first and greatest commandment to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matt 22:37, NIV).
Unity Movement: We believe that global revival is connected to the unity of the Church. Therefore, we gather across denominational lines and ethnic boundaries to pursue the presence of God for extended hours of worship and believe the oil of unity is flowing down (Psalm 133). Dividing walls are falling and true covenant love is springing up across the world. Worshipers are forgetting their titles and theological loyalties for the sake of love.
Missions Movement: The Biblical and historical model shows us that worship, prayer and encountering God’s presence is the precedent for a dramatic increase in the salvation of souls. The church of Acts encountered God for ten days in the upper room and then ignited a missionary movement to the known world (Acts 2:1-4). Jesus appointed the twelve to first of all “be with Him”before they were called to “Go into all the world” (Mark 3:16, Mark 16:15).
Prophetic Worship Movement: Our heart is to cultivate a place where musicians and worshipers have the freedom to release creative, spontaneous, prophetic songs. We believe that as we release the word of the Lord over our regions that God’s purposes will begin to accelerate. When Saul encountered the Presence of God in the company of Samuel’s school of prophetic minstrels, he was “turned into another man” (1 Samuel 10:6).
Creative Movement: Divine creativity is birthed in the presence of the Almighty Creator. Our heart is to cultivate an environment where new songs, poems, paintings and dances can be created. We believe God is releasing a fresh wave of anointed creativity from the place of His Presence that will change the world.
Loudoun Burn 24-7 falls under the covering of Ethan & Rachel Cieply (Mid-Atlantic Regional Directors), Sean Feucht - (Burn 24-7 Founder). As well as Jason Hershey of David's Tent DC / YWAM DC
Contact Teresa and Bo Cook (Burn Directors) @ Teresa.loudounburn247@gmail.com
for questions, comments or volunteer purposes.
What's a typical Burn event like?
Non-stop live worship: Teams of worshipers, musicians, artists and intercessors fill one or two hour blocks to worship, pray and create.
Vertical Worship: The purpose of the Burn is to minister to the Lord and create an atmosphere for encounter. Typically, the worship leader doesn’t engage those in attendance as in a normal corporate setting. You will often experience worshipers journaling, studying, praying and painting as well as singing along with the worship teams.
Spontaneous/Prophetic: Much of the worship will be creative, spontaneous & prophetic songs & melodies (Psalm 96).
The Arts and Creativity: Our desire is to create an atmosphere where high levels of creativity can come forth. You will often see painters, dancers and writers creating during the Burn. We often set up art stations for people to express their worship through creative mediums.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Worship Leaders, Musicians and Singers
Set Up and Breakdown Helpers for outdoor and indoor venues
Sound and AV Technicians
Intercessors 24/7/365
Painters / Artists / Dancers
Shift Leaders
Communications, Website, Social Media Advertising

Our Mission
The mission of Loudoun Burn 24-7 is to ignite vertical worship and prayer throughout Loudoun County, D.C., and the nations and to build community centered around the presence of God (Jn 17:20-23, Ps. 133) leading to revival and transformation in our region. God is building a dwelling place for His very Presence (Ps. 132:8) where worship and prayer will be lifted to Him day and night, 24-7.

Our Vision
We want to create a resting place for the Lord’s presence in downtown Leesburg, where people can worship Him, seek His face, and enthrone Him on our praises simply because He is worthy of all praise, glory and honor and to create a place of refuge, encounter, salvation, healing and transformation both for the individual and the community.